Visit to the farm

Visit to the farm

The Lluçanès cheese works in the Osona region has a herd of 150 ecological sheep, of which few remain in Catalonia.

To make known ecological stockbreeding and the production of craft cheeses, Betara organises guided tours for schools aimed at all levels, and also for groups of families, senior citizens and tourists.

Along the tour, educational activities and workshops are also offered in the classroom of the new Farm School, allowing visitors to come into contact with nature and the animals.


Ask for more information on: 
93 888 08 52 / 629 01 35 43

Visita a la granja - Formatgeria de Lluçà

Durant la visita expliquem com treballem i quines feines fem al ramat, al camp i a la formatgeria, quines eines i maquinària utilitzem. El nostre és un projecte sostenible i respectuós amb el medi ambient!
Finalment oferim un tastet dels nostres formatges enun entorn únic, a 150m del Monestir Romànic i als peus del Castell de Lluçà.
L'activitat té una durada aproximada de 1 hora.
Cal reserva prèvia!

Podeu sol·licitar més informació a:
619 72 80 79

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IMPORTANT: These vouchers are not linked to any official reservation,
They are symbolic vouchers where you can customize the text print them and give them to the desired people.

* Consult availability in advance.


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Visit to the farm